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Questions tagged [hyperlinks]

HTML links, generally those created within the network on questions, answers, or the site itself.

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8 votes
3 answers

How often should a certain term in a question/answer be linkified?

I edited this question, adding the usual links and auto-links to Gatherer. I opted to link each unique card only once, Wikipedia-style, to not overload the text and distract the readers with multiple ...
Hackworth's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What are the unwritten rules of BCG.SE MtG Questions and Answers? [closed]

Following some comment bits on "If a card is cloned...," I am curious as to any remaining style guidance, or norms, that a new arrival would want to be aware of? At the link, it was noted that it is ...
Drunk Cynic's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Provide links to BGG, Wikipedia, or the official game page?

I find myself wanting to link to further information about a game or expansion fairly often. When describing something, it's nice to provide a link so the reader can find out more. But there are ...
Brian Campbell's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How does this link sharing work?

Recently when upvoting questions I frequently get this small pop-up offering me to share the link to get a badge. That's all nice and good but how and where do I do this? All I got is an url like this:...
Kempeth's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Links to BoardGameGeek (or other sites)

I'm certain that a common pattern in some answers will be a link to a BoardGameGeek page (we have some already). What should our policy be about this, especially answers that are nothing BUT a link ...
lilserf's user avatar
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