Title. Sakashima the Impostor returns no search result on the gatherer site for some reason. Autocarding Sakashima or Impostor alone at least takes me to the search function that includes the wanted card, but any combination of 2 or all 3 words fails to deliver any result, e.g.
Other multi-word autocards function just fine. "Sakashima the Impostor" doesn't even contain special characters or any of the other common autocard failure modes, my language is also set to English.
I noted that there is a Sakashima the Impostor Avatar card, a Vanguard card that is not typically included in search results. Is that the problem? However, that must be a recent change of the search algorithm, because both the regular Sakashima and the Vanguard card are old entries, and in my answer of How to clone a Legendary card legally? I linked Sakashima and it used to work back then.
Test for other Vanguard duplicate names:
Arcanis, the Omnipotent (this goes straight to the avatar page instead of the regular card)
I don't feel like typing all of them out, but you get the idea.