Last year, Disney released the Marvel Playmation system, described below.
Playmation is the next step in the evolution of play, where digital gets physical and imagination becomes real. The groundbreaking system of toys and wearables uses smart technology..
As far as I can tell, this objectively meets the first four criteria of on-topic for the site, with the last one being questionable.
- Be playable on or around a table
- Have objective rules of play and win conditions
- Offer dynamic challenges, either through other players, randomization, or both
- Be playable by hand, by human players implementing all of the rules
However, this seems to be clearly off-topic on Arqad because is it not a videogame. It doesn't even work well with the first line of on-topic for Arqade: "Arqade is for passionate videogamers from all platforms, including consoles, computers, handhelds, and mobile devices."
I've gone through everything on Meta that seems relevant, including the main on-topic post. There seem to be conflicting opinions on whether games with AI opponents fit on B&CG.SE. This game is played against a (randomized) AI and players choose what scenario they want to play, and it's cooperatively if they want. Are questions about Playmation on-topic here or do they belong elsewhere (or nowhere) on the Stack Exchange network?
After writing the question, it occurs to me that this might be analogous to the question "Are store-purchased Laser Tag sets on-topic here?" The noticeable difference on Laser Tag is that you're playing with or against other human opponents, while Playmation only allows cooperative play against AI.