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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Indicates that the site developers were not able to replicate the behavior reported.
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Indicates that the feature request or bug is something that is intended to be implemented or fixed, but not in the near term.
1 question
Indicates that a change in functionality is currently under consideration, or needs further investigation.
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Questions about the built-in search functionality of this site powered by elasticsearch.
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Indicates that the site developers were able to replicate the behavior reported, but cannot address its cause at this time.
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Indicates that the feature request or bug is something that is intended to be implemented or fixed, ideally in the near term.
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This tags is for general questions about users and user accounts.
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A bounty is a way to get additional attention for a question by offering some of your own reputation for great answers.
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"Favorite tags" are a set of tags that can be marked by a user. The questions that have favorite tags will be highlighted, and can be monitored using Tag Sets.
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for questions specific to upvotes, the community's way of telling peers that their content was clear and helpful. Up-votes on the meta sites may have different meanings.
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Peer voting on questions and answers gives users most of their reputation, and also usually controls how posts are sorted to the top.
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Unanswered questions are those questions which have no up-voted or accepted answers.
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Every user's account profile has a section showing the recent reviews, revisions, comments, badges, posts (questions and answers), and accepts.
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about the quarterly creative commons data dumps of all public data in the Stack Exchange network Q&A sites.
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For questions or issues surrounding login to Stack Exchange sites.
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For questions about the various RSS feeds provided by Stack Exchange sites.
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for questions about the favorite question feature - indicated by the star under the voting arrows on a question. For questions about favorite tags, use (favorite-tags) instead.
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For questions about the functionalities, queries, databases and datamodel of The Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE). SEDE allows you to create and run queries against copies of the databases of popul…
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Refers to user accounts either generically, or across the network.
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Indicates that the post shares product or configuration change concepts during the Discovery phase. Open to receiving feedback from the Community preceding implementation.
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