If answering and closing a question takes about the same time, why not just answer the question?
You should not answer questions that you know are off topic, and you should vote to close them.
The policy on these site is that we accept some questions but not others, and the rule is that we close ...
- 83.3k
If answering and closing a question takes about the same time, why not just answer the question?
Because it makes it appear as if those questions are on topic on the site when they are not. Even if the question is closed future users can point to it as an example of why they asked their off topic ...
Negative rating questions with positive rating answers
In general, trying to understand or dictate how people cast their votes is an exercise in futility. People can and do vote based on anything, from rational evaluations of post usefulness to grumpiness ...
- 83.3k
Negative rating questions with positive rating answers
I answered that question...
As a general rule I do upvote any question that I answer. I usually answer first, then vote. That one seems to have slipped through the net, I must have been distracted.
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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