10 votes

Should AI Generated Answers Be Allowed

We should not allow the use of AI for answers on this site. AI has proven to be unreliable, making answers that sound reasonable but are out and out false or wrong. It can be used for creative writing,...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 14.5k
7 votes

Should AI Generated Answers Be Allowed

I suggest that we do not allow AI answers on this site as they can be very difficult to verify if they are correct or not and based on writing style can easily be taken as a correct answer when they ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 14.1k
5 votes

Should AI Generated Answers Be Allowed

While I have an opinion about AI, I'm not going to say right now what I think this site should do - I'm not a regular of this site, and I don't really know it. This "answer" is regarding ...
cocomac's user avatar
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4 votes

What should the ticket-to-ride tag represent?

It is best for a single tag to not be used to represent multiple separate concepts, so this tag should be divided: ticket-to-ride-series for questions that apply to the family of games in general (...
murgatroid99's user avatar
  • 82.4k
3 votes

Question that seems opinion-based when someone does not know the objective answer

Taken literally, at face value, and out of context, you're right, those aren't necessarily opinion-based. But in context, past face value, they're opinion-based. And either way they're not good ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
3 votes

Negative rating questions with positive rating answers

In general, trying to understand or dictate how people cast their votes is an exercise in futility. People can and do vote based on anything, from rational evaluations of post usefulness to grumpiness ...
murgatroid99's user avatar
  • 82.4k
2 votes

What should the ticket-to-ride tag represent?

The guidance for the tag shows it as referring to the series: The original game is set in North America. Several alternatives with different maps and some extra rules also exist: I can see a few ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 14.5k
2 votes

What are the use cases for Preformatted Text?

Inline code formatting (also "preformatted text" or "fixed formatting") done with backtick characters ` should not be used for emphasis or otherwise visually distinguishing regular ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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2 votes

Request: reopen one of the Big Parasol questions

We shouldn't reopen the second question as that can encourage users to repost the question instead of editing the original question. Instead that user (or someone else) should edit the old question to ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 14.1k
2 votes

Should we burninate [legal]?

I would suggest that we burninate legal based on the question that you linked and the fact that it is a very bad idea to get legal advice from random people on the internet. As a note on law.se they ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 14.1k
1 vote

Negative rating questions with positive rating answers

I answered that question... As a general rule I do upvote any question that I answer. I usually answer first, then vote. That one seems to have slipped through the net, I must have been distracted. ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible