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Questions tagged [tags]

For questions about the behavior or usage of tags, which are keywords or labels that categorize and group your question with other, similar questions.

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16 votes
5 answers

Do we really need a rules tag?

Since I'm not a Magic player, I have that tag ignored. When I called up the site I was met with a huge wall of greyed out questions. It seems a whole bunch of Magic questions where re-tagged with "...
CaulynDarr's user avatar
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9 votes
8 answers

Meta tags 'R Us! [closed]

Background info on what meta tags are is on the StackExchange Blog. The Story so far: We've had a meta tag problem for a while. Perhaps since the origin of the site. Over the last few months I've ...
Pat Ludwig's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What generic (?) tag to use for games that have no tag?

I would like to post a question about makruk, for which there is currently no tag. After looking through the available tags, there seems to be a problem for users with less than 150 reps who want to ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to tag unlisted games

I looked around but wasn't able to find anything. I have questions about rules for unlisted games. What tags should I use for games that are not listed under the existing tags? I found this untagged ...
slybloty's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Request for tags

Since I am new to the site, I don't have enough rep to create tags. I have a question that could really use the tags "redemption" "artifacts" and "fortresses" and even possibly "rules-clarification". ...
Chris Aldrich's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Are chess questions on-topic here?

In conclusion, it seems, chess is technically on-topic but typically not asked. My question is from a slightly different angle: if there's a SE for it, why is it on-topic at all? Should all posts ...
DonielF's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Let's save our tags!

As noted here, tags with only one question are harvested after about six months, leading to questions ending up untagged and hard to find. I've come across a few of these recently and added them back,...
10 votes
2 answers

Tags (and wikis) needed!

There are currently 89 30 untagged questions floating around. That's crazy! These questions need tags, useful tags, tags that'll help folks find them. And those tags need wikis. Because if they don'...
Shog9's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

What is appropriate use of the "beginner" tag?

User BBz removed the beginner tag from 8 questions yesterday, including 3 of mine. I don't agree with at least some of these tag removals, but on the other hand the definition of the tag isn't all ...
Joe Golton's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Add a new "retag" tag for new users to request their question be retagged

Last week I asked a question about Phase 10 Twist for which there was no tag. As someone with low rep, I had no way to formally request that my question be retagged without adding something to the ...
Michael Celey's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

We should remove the [recommendations] tag

The first off-topic close reason is Questions asking for game recommendations are off-topic. but we still have the recommendations tag. I know that the tag description says that these kind of ...
murgatroid99's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the current consent on version-specific tags?

This question from 2012 asked about adding specific version tags to warhammer-40k, such as warhammer-40k-8e. The accepted answer uses an example from StackOverflow, where it was brought up that the "...
MechMK1's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What naming convention should be used for tags about Arkham Horror and Eldritch Horror expansions?

As the Arkham Horror tag wiki and Eldritch Horror tag wiki shows, there are two naming conventions that are currently being used for expansion tags*: Early Arkham Horror expansions do not have a ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Tag usefulness/removal

For my recent question about cupboard sizes ( I added the tags boxes and furniture, which were both removed. The other tags board-games and ...
tttppp's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Should our magic-the-gathering tag have subcategories?

As has been mentioned before the bulk of our questions are tagged magic-the-gathering. Would there be any value in breaking this down into subcategories? I'm not a MTG player so I'm not the person ...
chicks's user avatar
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