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Should we create new tag for each game?

What is our tag-policy? Someone asked a question about a game with no tag, should I make a tag of that game? He state that no tag exists, so he tagged board-game-geek. Does the answer change if I ...
Cohensius's user avatar
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Ticket to Ride Tags

Based on this question What should the ticket-to-ride tag represent? it seems we want to have a tag for each version of the game to make it clear what version of the game is discussed. Based on that ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 14.4k
-1 votes
2 answers

Game specific tags

Stackoverflow model disallow user from creating tags belove some quite high reputation level. But this particular site really need specific tags for more or less popular games. I would like to propose ...
0lukasz0's user avatar
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9 votes
8 answers

Meta tags 'R Us! [closed]

Background info on what meta tags are is on the StackExchange Blog. The Story so far: We've had a meta tag problem for a while. Perhaps since the origin of the site. Over the last few months I've ...
Pat Ludwig's user avatar
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