Tabletop is a word who's common usage is more often associated with Role playing games (to distinguish them from LARP). Since RPGs are outside of the area of this site, I wouldn't use tabletop.
The main problem is we're in a period of transition away from the traditional categorization/naming of things to a new one, and it hasn't settled out yet.
If you HAD to pick a name, Parlor Games is probably the most correct. Clearly that word is never associated with Video games, and rarely associated with RPGs.
However, it's fallen out of common usage.
Most people use "board games" as a catch all term. For example, Traditional games like "Canasta" can be found with a "board game rank" on BGG.COM. Same with CCG's like Magic.
I also dislike the "and" in the title (I thing board games would be fine, even if it included CCGs), but that's certainly not universal.
The real question is not what do we name this site, it's where do we draw the line on what questions we want here. The choices are either to do it based on a definition (any definition) or based on the knowledge/interests of this particular community. If we choose the former, we need a descriptive name (like it has now). If we choose the latter, we can call it anything, since "The Community" will know what we mean instinctively.