This site has a lot of lists of games. Previously these may all have been closed or converted to CW (Community Wiki). This community appears to have chosen to allow many of these questions and find value in them. I think only two such questions have been closed so far.
There have been a few requests to convert other list type questions to Community Wiki. Until recently, that wasn't an option as there were no moderators. Now that we have moderators, how should these be handled?
My opinion is that we should hew a little closer to the guidelines set out by this blog post,
Personally I like questions that ask for game recommendations with a good set of requirements, such as
- Recommendations for 6-player board game
- What cooperative board games are there that I could safely play with my wife?
Other questions that appear just to be asking for lists I believe could be closed.
- Which Settlers of Catan expansions are recommended?
Some questions are way too subjective for my tastes -
In closing, I'd like to see how many folks agree with my basic point that we have a few too many of these list questions. Ideally the community would discuss some of these on meta, and close them. I will also likely close a couple on my own.
Thanks for reading!