I am wondering what the attitudes towards the community wiki concept are.
I personally consider it overused and mostly undesirable. I'm now probably on Joel's personal execution list but let me explain why I feel this way:
I am not a user who can farm the site 24/7 for new questions to answer. Many traditional questions get their correct answer quite quickly so in most situations I'm left with:
- voting up answers
- the occasional comment
- the even rarer exotic question that does not yet have an answer and I happen to actually know something about it
- and the kind of questions that cannot be fully answered
The only kind of questions I can reliably contribute to are the ones that - according to official policies from the founders - should be community wiki. Their reasoning is that CW fosters contribution. I don't see it that way - exactly the opposite actually.
- Contributing to CW earns me no recognition. Don't get me wrong - virtue IS it's own reward but when you are given the choice between receiving recognition for your help or not: what do you prefer? The entire SE/SO system is so focused on rep. Everything depends on how much rep you have.
- Anyone can answer a question but you need 100 rep to contribute to CW so you are actually shutting members out that probably would like to help.
So what am I saying about CW? What is it good for IMO? For "moderators" to condense discussions into separate posts. Nothing else comes to mind right now.