I've seen a couple tag wikis added recently that apparently were copied verbatim from BoardGameGeek: catacombs and viticulture.
I rejected them as suggested edits, using the canned "copied content" reason:
This edit copies a significant amount of content from an external source. Generic descriptions such as encyclopedia articles and ad copy do not provide useful guidance; try creating something useful to this community specifically, and be sure to attribute the original author. See: How to reference material written by others.
but they were approved by others. I know BGG descriptions are also user-edited, but I don't think there's any way to make this okay without total rewriting (I don't see a CC license or anything on BGG, so merely adding attribution would not be sufficient) so:
- Could I get some help looking through tag wikis for other copied content?
- Could others help remove the copied content we've discovered (those and others - see answers)? Trusted users (4k rep) can do this themselves, while others will have to make suggestions.
- Could a moderator acknowledge having seen this? We have no way to notify these users that this is not acceptable, since the edits were long since approved, so it's up to you if you want to superping in chat or anything.
And of course, in the future we need to be a bit more vigilant reviewing those edits.
as permitted through the functionality of the Website and under these Terms of Service.
unless the ToS includes copying text verbatim onto other sites (either explicitly or via very broad terms like CC), we can't use the copied text and must, at minimum, paraphrase it.