I've read the meta discussion at What are the success criteria for an area 51 beta site, as well as the blog post When will my site graduate?
Neither of these helps me understand why Board and Card Games continues to languish in beta status. As of this writing, we've been in beta for 1157 days. That's over 3 years.
Compare us to a non-beta site like Bicycles. Consider the Area 51 statistics for Bicycles and Board and Card Games:
BicyclesBoard and Card Games
Questions per day4 3.8
Answered 100% 98%
Avid users 173 449
Total users 1735 4852
Answer ratio 3.5 2.3
Visits/day 843 5780
It's clear that we have a dedicated user base that isn't going anywhere, and we have significant site traffic, almost an order of magnitude more than Bicycles.
I understand that the Area 51 stats are just guidelines, and are not a hard and fast rule for kicking a site up out of beta. I understand that every site is different. But I think it's not unreasonable to feel frustrated that we don't seem to be progressing, or have any indication of when we might leave beta.
It feels like we're being ignored, because StackExchange can't quite decide what should be done with us.
Please: look again at our status, and respond here with
- Some insight into why we continue to remain in beta.
- Under what circumstances we might migrate out of beta.
- When we might reasonably expect that to happen.
Update: So here we are, 8 months later. Any movement on this?