The current autocard link syntax works great, but it can be a bit awkward to use with plural names. It's easy to change [mtg:Lightning Bolts]
to [mtg:Lightning Bolt]s
. Getting correct links to cards like [mtg:Scions of Oona]
requires restructuring text to use the singular name, though.
The easiest method to address this, at least that I can see, is what Wikipedia does with its link syntax: [mtg:card name|optional text overriding the link text]
. Then we can easily post about how two [mtg:Scion of Oona|Scions of Oona]
give each other shroud.
[mtg:Lightning Bolt|Bolt]
or[mtg:Karn Liberated|Karn]
.[mtg:Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon|Skittles]
[mtg:Wolfbitten Captive|Werewalla]
and such isn't really as important as the plural or shortening, it's nice that this one feature could add this much value.[mtg:Prodigal Sorcerer|Tim]