Since we have such a low number of questions right now, and since once of the goals of the site (as I see it) is to cover all rules questions that may arise during gaming, I'm wondering -- is it alright to ask a question on a potentially-confusing topic that you already figured out the answer to? Alternately, is it alright to ask a question on a potentially-confusing rule that can be worked out if you simply read the rules carefully enough?
Example: I was teaching Puerto Rico to a new player the other day, and as we were playing, I suddenly started second-guessing myself on the rules to Captaining. I couldn't remember if I could use the Wharf to ship goods already on a ship, if you could ship the same good on multiple ships, and if you were obligated to put goods on a certain-sized ship.
Re-reading the rules slowly plus reading the examples in the rulebook refreshed my memory, and I know the answers to my question now, but is it worth asking on the main site for future visitors, in case they get tripped up by the same rules?